Local Gastronomy

Local Gastronomy

Northern Portugal and Galicia are a paradise for food lovers, offering an authentic and flavorful culinary experience. In Porto and Viana do Castelo, fresh seafood and fish take center stage, with specialties like Minho’s lamprey and grilled sardines. In Braga and Guimarães, traditional dishes such as bacalhau à Braga (codfish), duck rice, and the famous Abade de Priscos pudding showcase the region’s rich culinary heritage. Ponte de Lima, Monção, and Melgaço are known for their cured meats, cheeses, and perfectly paired Vinho Verde wines. Across the border in Galicia, delicacies like pulpo a la gallega (Galician-style octopus), fresh mussels from the Rías Baixas, and creamy local cheeses delight the palate. Our gastronomic tours take you to bustling markets, traditional farms, and family-run taverns where you can experience the true flavors of the region.